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Night Calls - Nyx Slaughter Book 1 Page 12
Night Calls - Nyx Slaughter Book 1 Read online
Page 12
“There are a few rooms in the penthouse you haven't seen, so there is plenty of space for everyone there. Until Alex comes to town, I will be staying with you. When he arrives, I will still be close by, but will refrain from sharing your bed most nights. The floor directly below yours will probably be my choice. Tomorrow we can go pick out new sofas and you can scout some different storefronts that I know are available,” he informs me.
“Thanks for always thinking two steps ahead. At some point in the coming days, I would like us to sit down and have a discussion on what your underground organization has been doing in its efforts to get the Collective to shut down. I lived inside for over twenty years and may be able to help. I know I was always treated as an outsider, so I don't know all their secrets, but I may have overheard things that didn't seem important at the time, but would be helpful to your cause,” I say.
“I wasn't sure how soon you would be ready to go against them. I will bring you up to speed once we get things settled. I believe there is a big meeting in a couple days. Maybe you would like to accompany me to it,” he suggests.
“They tried to get me to kill my father and my mate. Even if they didn't know the exact relationship I had with those two people, the charges brought up against them were lies. It makes me question whether my other executions were legit. Thankfully, I do things in person and not with a sniper rifle or poison. I actually talk to the people before I kill them and most of them don't act innocent.”
“If it puts you at ease, our spies have not indicated that any of your kills were amongst our ranks. We have lost five people over the last year to unjust killings, which is actually lower than it has been for a while. I hope that means we are getting better at hiding ourselves,” he says as I finally pull into the parking area.
Usually at this time of day, I would just be waking up, or at least starting to think about waking up. Today it feels like I have run a marathon and have already finished my waking hours, but in reality, the night is still young. Let's just hope I can get through my first night possibly being on the Collective's hit list without taking a bullet.
Chapter 16
Dinner with the new guys
As I predicted, Smitty is waiting in the parking lot for us. We all climb out of our vehicles.
“Hey Smitty, long time no see,” I say smiling at him. “Just out of curiosity, what is Smitty short for?”
“Didn't I tell you just last night to pretend you didn't know my name?” he asks.
“Sure, but why in the world do you think I would actually listen to you?” I reply. “Plus you got to hear a pretty intimate situation between me and Sebby, so I think that gives me the right to know your name.”
“Not really, but you are starting to grow on me, so I will tell you my name is Grant Smith,” he says giving in.
“Thank you, Smitty,” I say choosing to continue calling him by the nickname he seems to prefer. We have started making our way up to the penthouse. “I have a feeling we will end up being great friends. You know a lot about Sebastian. You are going to fill me in on all those old girlfriends, right?”
“He is not,” Sebastian says darkly. “I already told you there is no chance of anything affecting our relationship. Even if someone showed up, which they won't, we are bonded, so they will be barking up the wrong tree.”
“Come on, he said you had been in love before. I would love to know more about the women of your past. I will even tell you all about all the guys I have ever loved,” I barter.
“I have been around enough women to know they never want to know about a guy’s past conquests, so don't try it. I am also aware of the fact you have never loved anyone other than me, so your offer falls just a little flat, my love,” he replies. “I will fill you in on my history minus all the 'loves' I have supposedly had in time.”
“Party pooper. So, who is up for steak? I promised to cook Sebastian one, so I might as well cook one for anyone else who is hungry,” I suggest as we exit the elevator into the penthouse.
“I am always up for a nice, juicy steak,” Jake says taking in the foyer.
“If you have enough steaks I will prepare my own,” Jonas says.
“What is it going to take for you to trust me, Jonas?” I ask. “I promise I don't bite. Unless you are Sebastian, you are pretty safe in that aspect.”
“I didn't like you before I met you. Meeting you has not increased my opinion of you,” he says gruffly.
“Hey I don't like the assignment either, but a steak is a steak,” Jake says.
“Yeah, but you didn't have to ride with her and hear her stories about being a unicorn,” Jonas tells him.
Jake looks me up and down. “Doesn't look like much of a unicorn to me.”
“Exactly. Alex sent us to guard a lunatic. Just wait until she shows you her vampire fangs,” Jonas counters.
“Why would Alex scent a vampire? That makes no sense. I mean she is cute and I wouldn't mind spending a little quality time with her, but she is Nyx Slaughter. Just thinking her name makes my balls kind of shrivel up trying to hide.”
“Glad to know I make such an impact on you Jake. I will let someone else explain to you the situation you find yourself in. I am going to cook us some steaks, as long as you are still willing to allow me to cook for you,” I say.
“A steak is a steak. If you say it isn't poisoned, I will believe you,” he replies.
“Thank you for the benefit of the doubt. Jonas, if you would like to follow me, I will get you out your own skillet and you can prepare your own,” I say walking off to the kitchen.
In the kitchen, I look in the freezer first and find it to be not as full as I remembered it. I open the fridge and see that Sebastian must have set out some meat to defrost. Good, it won't take as long as I thought to get dinner in my stomach.
I set out four steaks on the counter. “Pick the one you want. I don't want you thinking I am giving you a poisoned one,” I instruct Jonas.
He grabs one from the middle with a grumble. “My brother was one of the five anti-Collective operatives killed this year,” he states as I find skillets to cook our steaks.
I stop and look up at him. “I understand and am sorry for your loss. I know it probably doesn't mean much to you, but Sebastian assured me I haven't killed anyone that didn't warrant it.”
“I believe he is right and I know you were not the one that killed him. I still don't trust you, though. You have been the poster child for the Collective's reign for a couple years now and that doesn't cause warm fuzzy feelings,” he comments.
“No, I imagine it wouldn't. They sent me to kill my own father five months ago, so I know how ruthless they really are. I hope that in time you will see that I am on your side. I am hoping that you or Jake will be able to fill me in on what it is really like to be a werewolf. I don't know when Alex will be able to join us and so far, I have only had one very painful shift. I don't know how often I am required to go through that, but I will need help,” I say standing and handing him a small skillet for his steak.
“Shifts shouldn't be painful,” he says going to work on his steak.
I work on my three and within a couple seconds they are sizzling on the stove. “That is what Alex said. It may have been my triple nature that caused the pain. I don't really know. I could feel every bone in my body shift and it was something I hope not to have to feel again.”
“For now, I would look to Jake, for assistance. I will have to verify your switch in allegiance with my own eyes before I even attempt to help you,” he replies. “He doesn't seem to have as big of an issue with your change of heart.”
“No problem. I will ask him if he is comfortable teaching me. Sebastian is going to start training me soon. If you would like to take some of your aggression out, let me know and we can meet in the gym,” I suggest.
“I may just take you up on that,” he says as we finish the steaks and I set out plates for us to put them on.
I grab my plate and Sebastian's and he takes
his and Jake's. We head out to the living area where the guys are waiting.
“Did you guys have a nice talk?” I ask handing Sebastian his plate.
“I can see why Jonas is hesitant around you,” Jake responds. “A weird, freaky female hybrid that happens to be of the Gentry line. If I wrote a science fiction book, I couldn't have come up with a more unbelievable combination.”
“Glad I can be entertaining for you,” I tell him. “Smitty, did you want something to eat? I feel strange eating in front of you.”
“It is very kind of you to think of me, Nyx. I ate just yesterday, so I am fine for a couple days.”
That is good enough for me and I dive into my food. Looking around it is apparent that I will not be able to take these guys out to a restaurant anytime soon. Jake actually didn't even bother with silverware and is eating the steak in his hands. Jonas at least is using a fork. He has pierced the middle of his steak and is eating his way to the fork. Sebby is cutting and eating his, slowly savoring the flavor. Who can blame the guy after not eating food for over a millennium?
“Better than a cheeseburger?” I ask him.
“Still not as good as you, but yes much better than that cheeseburger,” he replies.
“You guys have no idea how weird it is to watch a vampire eating a meal,” Jake comments licking his fingers. “If I wasn't watching it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it.”
“Hang around with us long enough and you will find out all sorts of weird things,” I tell him. “I bet no one would have ever thought it was possible to turn a rock into a sofa, but you are sitting on the proof.”
“Fine. We will go tonight to get new furniture. I can also show you a storefront next to Sins that I think would work well for you,” Sebastian says.
“I don't know about that,” I reply collecting everyone’s plate. “Sins can be pretty noisy can't it?”
“Your building would be soundproofed, so as not to disturb you or any potential clients that came to visit. It will also be good to keep you close, in case you get hungry. It would only take me a second to get to you anywhere in the city, but the closeness would probably soothe us both,” he says.
“Stepping out on my own in the world doesn't seem to be as freeing an experience as I thought it would. I am surprised you didn't ask me to actually set up shop in Sins.” I leave the room to do the dishes.
“Unlike your werewolf boyfriend, I know how much you like your independence. I led out with my middle option. There is also a place a block away and, of course, Sins itself.” he says while I turn on the water.
“Well, Sins is out no matter what. We can check out the other two places. Being next to Sins, and the people that go in and out of there, might actually drum up some business,” I reply.
“I want to pick you up and lick you like an ice cream cone,” he says very softly.
“What?” I screech back at him. I can hear the rest of the guys laughing from the living room.
“Just checking your hearing, love. Since I said that part under my breath, I think it is improving. I guess I won't be able to say any words of bonding quietly anymore,” he says laughing.
“Good. That will come in handy. I am going to finish these dishes and then take a shower. Does anyone else need to take one before we go?” I ask.
“I wouldn't mind one,” Sebastian replies. “Are you offering to take one with me?”
I think about it for a second. Sadly, my initial thought is how great an idea that sounds, but I quickly get my hormones under control. I don't want the first time I see a naked man to be with a house full of paranorms with great hearing, especially when that naked man is Sebastian.
“Rain check,” I say softly turning off the water.
“Not a flat no. I like that response,” Sebastian replies. “It gives me hope for our relationship.”
“You know it is just going to take me time to get used to everything. If it was just you and me, the answer would have been different,” I tell him walking through the living area to the bedroom area to grab some clothes.
I grab one of my normal outfits and some underwear and head to the bathroom. I make quick work of cleaning up and getting dressed including putting my weapons back in place. I head out and announce, “It's all yours.”
“Thank you, love,” Sebastian says appearing before me. He gives me a quick kiss and then enters the bathroom.
I make my way to the living area and sit next to Smitty. There seems to be a little tension between the guys, which from the things I have learned recently may not be that out of the ordinary.
“So Jake would you like to share any information about yourself?” I ask breaking the silence.
“What do you want to know? I am twenty-seven, have been in the resistance for six years. Before that, I spent most of my life in the Collective. I was never allowed to think for myself and did everything I was told. One night a group of guys brought in a witch they decided would be a perfect sacrifice for the moon goddess. I had done questionable things before, but when they handed me that knife, I couldn't bring myself to kill her. I refused and was beat pretty badly.
“When I came to the next day, I ran. I did not want to be a part of an organization that condones that kind of thing. Not long after that, I met Alex. He taught me what it was really like to be a wolf and I have been with him ever since,” he says.
“Wow. I wasn't exactly expecting you to open up that much. Thank you,” I say to him. “Did we ever see each other in the Collective?” I don't remember him, but most people weren't exactly friendly to me and their faces tended to run together.
“You would have probably seen me with a group of people. For the most part, we were ordered to stay away from you. They had a thing worked out where only certain wolves were allowed to be around you and we were told to make sure you believed you were human and unwanted. It wasn't something one would question,” he explains.
“Well it is good to know I wasn't imagining things all these years,” I say laughing.
“Of course not, my love,” Sebastian says joining us fully dressed. “You are usually most observant. Are you ready to go? I imagine since we woke up early today we will want to turn in a little bit early as well.”
“Yes. I cannot sit on these stones for another minute,” I say standing ready to go.
Chapter 17
Another team member
Our entourage makes our way to the furniture store in the business district. Most businesses are open twenty-four hours in Night Owl City to cater to the different species. I have never had to shop for furniture or do I have much decorating sense, so as long as it is comfortable, I really don't care what it looks like.
Walking into the store, we get a lot of stares and there are a few people that take one look and exit the store immediately. I am used to having that kind of effect on people. Maybe I should have worn a disguise.
“I say we stick with something in black,” Sebastian suggests eying the remaining customers.
We make our way through the store. I am flanked by Sebastian and Jake with Smitty leading the way and Jonas bringing up the rear. I am still finding this whole guard thing pretty annoying. After sitting on the ten different options of black sofas, I make my selection and Sebastian takes care of paying for it and scheduling the delivery.
“What are you going to do with the old ones?” I ask.
“Maybe you can use them for a waiting area in your new business,” Sebastian replies.
“Yes, because I didn't actually want to try to keep the customers once they make it into the door,” I say sarcastically causing him to laugh.
“The people delivering the new pieces will take the old ones away. What they do with them, I really don't care,” he responds.
“So which storefront is closer to us?” I ask ready to hopefully get this new business set up. I have to add furniture, get a phone set up, make business cards and figure out how to market myself. It seems like a ton of work.
“The one not r
ight next to Sins is the closest. Let's head there,” Sebastian says directing our group through the other people out for an evening stroll.
Six blocks away he stops in front of a pretty normal looking building. It is brick with large picture windows allowing people to easily see inside. With the lights currently off, the interior is still a bit of a mystery to me. The big windows, though, are not appealing to me. I really don't want to have people watching me all night.
Sebastian takes out a key and guides us into the building. I stop just inside the door waiting for someone to turn the lights on. When they do, what I see doesn't make me feel like this is the right space. It seems it used to be a secondhand store or something because it looks like a very large garage sale. Hangers are everywhere with obviously worn clothing hanging from them. There are different sections for other departments like electronics and kitchen supplies. The location may be further away from Sins, but this place is going to take a while to set up the way I want it.