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Night Calls - Nyx Slaughter Book 1 Page 11
Night Calls - Nyx Slaughter Book 1 Read online
Page 11
“Seriously, the jerk said I couldn’t get a paper cut? I am going to shoot him. Sebastian you had better straighten him out. If I have to talk to him, we are all going to end up dead. I cannot believe he would say something like that. I told him what my plans were for when I got back to the city and they weren’t wrapping myself in bubble wrap and sitting in my room all day,” I scream. I am pretty sure there is smoke coming out my ears at this point. I thought we had left the meeting all on the same page. Why in the world would he decide I needed this level of protection?
“I am surprised he only sent you two, if those where his instructions,” Sebastian says giggling like a girl.
“Not helping. Let’s get on the road. We can figure out how this is actually going to work later. It’s not like Alex will know if I get a paper cut, so maybe we can just keep that information from him,” I propose.
“You guys are chemically bonded now,” Sebastian says in the midst of a full on laugh now. “He will feel any damage your body takes.”
“I need a second please,” I say heading to the bedroom I stayed last night. I see my knives and am happy they haven’t been moved. I pick one up and stab it into each of the fingertips on my left hand. I have never been shy around pain and the wounds don’t even bleed. Temper tantrum over, I walk back out to the living area.
“Hold on, she is right here,” Sebastian says handing me the phone. “Your picture is going next to childish, too.”
I put the phone to my ear and say “Not even a paper cut. Are you insane? I cannot believe you would order something like that. Are they to watch me while I shave my legs to insure I don’t nick myself?”
“I miss you too, pumpkin. Did you really have to stab yourself to make the point? I was a jerk earlier today and I thought showing my concern for you in this matter would make you feel better,” Alex says.
“Just because you don’t like the idea of being in pain, doesn’t mean you can send Frick and Frack over here with orders that I cannot live my life. In what universe would you think a person that has trained and lived her life as an assassin, would be okay with that?” I ask.
“It wasn’t only about me. I thought we all agreed you were to be protected. Maybe the paper cut comment was a little too harsh. I will adjust the order if you promise to try to not injure yourself unnecessarily,” he replies.
“I don’t go out of my way to be injured. Other than in training, I probably haven’t been hurt in a long time. Have you been in constant pain these last eight months?”
“Not constant no, but there has been pain involved. You would think I would get used to it, but the fact that the hurt is coming from you actually makes it worse. Let’s go with a happy medium and I will change my orders to preventing anyone else from hurting you. They didn’t exactly do a bang up job of stopping you from stabbing yourself a minute ago. I forgot to mention to them that you are a tad bit psycho. I will have to solve that problem,” he mutters.
“Fine. If they have to stick around they can assist when others are involved, but I get to take the lead in those situations and it can only be if I look to be in trouble,” I counter.
“Maybe. I would prefer you not fighting anyone right now. I am guessing that is a pipe dream on my part,” he responds.
“That would be correct. I cannot do the job I am creating for myself with my hands tied like that. It is going to be bad enough that I show up everywhere with the Cujo twins in tow. It isn’t very professional,” I tell him.
“Okay. They have heard the conversation, so the new orders are protect you without getting in your way. Sound good?” he asks.
“I can live with that. Thank you,” I reply.
“Good. Now have a safe trip home and I will see you soon, pumpkin,” he says.
“Good-bye again, Alex. Maybe I will actually get out of town this time before we have another argument,” I say ending the call and handing the phone to Sebastian. “Thank you secretary that will be all.”
“Cute. Gear up and let’s hit the road. Smitty is going to be joining us. I have plenty of room in the building and the older the vampire, the better to guard you,” he replies.
“So we are going to have day and night shifts?” I ask.
“Probably, the wolves can guard you in daytime and the vampires at night,” Sebastian suggests.
“I have to interject here,” Jake says speaking for the first time in a very deep voice. Even though he is as big as Jonas, his features are lighter, light brown hair and hazel eyes. He doesn’t look quite as mean either. Maybe he just isn’t as upset with the assignment at Jonas. “Alex changed the orders as far as when we step in, but there is still the order that one of us has to be with you at all times. He said, even when more wolves come, me or Jonas will be by your side.”
“Really? Phone please, Sebastian,” I say holding out my hand. When I have it in my possession, I hit the button to return the last call. “You forgot to tell them they don’t need to watch me shower,” I say when I hear the line connect on the other end.
“No, I told them they had to be in the room, but couldn’t watch,” he counters.
“Bathroom and bedroom are off limits, and any feedings they have to leave the room for,” I say.
“Turning their backs isn’t enough?” he asks.
“They have really good hearing as it is. Even if they are outside the room, they are already going to get more information than I want them to know. There are just certain times I need to be alone. In a lot of those cases Sebastian will be with me, so I won’t need extra guards. If something comes at me and Sebby and we cannot fight it off, chances are we would die anyway,” I comment.
“Fine, they can use their own best judgment on whether they are needed in a given circumstance, but one of them will always be on duty. That will not change. They are the best guys I have and I need at least the illusion that you are safe at all times. These dang feelings weren’t that bad before we officially met. Now for some reason my protective instincts are running wild,” he explains.
“Hmm, I am not feeling any different. Of course, my emotional type stuff hasn’t changed in regards to Sebastian either. I really hope there isn’t going to be a time where I catch a sudden onslaught of what you two are feeling. Talk about a nightmare. Well good-bye again, I am done talking,” I say and hang up the phone.
Chapter 15
The strong, silent type
Night hasn’t fallen yet, so we have to leave Smitty behind to catch up in a few hours. Granted, him flying instead of driving with us means he will actually probably beat us home. Jake drives us in his Jeep to the edge of the woods where we left the Suburban. Jonas is going to ride with us while Jake follows, so they have a vehicle available for themselves when we get to the city.
Surprisingly, the Suburban is in the spot I last saw it. I cannot believe they just left it untouched. I am envisioning a bomb exploding the second I turn the key, if the key is even still in it. I kind of forgot to grab it last night when I was searching for Alex.
“Do you want to drive, Sebastian?” I ask almost shocked that those words came out of my mouth. I have never let another person drive the Suburban. Where in the world did that question come from?
“I would love to, but would have never asked myself and know how much you would hate for anyone else to be driving,” he replies. “You must be picking up on stuff. Isn’t that great?”
“No,” I say knowing he was joking. “I am still driving even if something is telling me you would like to.”
“I know,” he says with a big grin. “I don’t smell any explosives. I imagine they just put trackers on it, so we should be fine. For now, we want to broadcast where we are going to make sure they know we aren’t afraid of them.”
I climb in the driver seat and see the key still in the ignition. Sebastian takes his place in the passenger seat and we wait as it seems Jake and Jonas are deep in conversation outside the vehicle. After a few moments, Jonas kneels down and looks to be searching under the ve
hicle. Jake takes something out of his pocket and starts walking around the vehicle.
“I told them it was more than likely safe. I wouldn't have gotten in if I didn't believe that,” Sebastian muses.
“They are just being thorough,” I say wishing they would hurry up. It takes them five minutes, but finally Jonas joins us and Jake returns to the Jeep.
“Three trackers were found. Don't you think that is a little overkill?” Jonas asks.
“I wonder if they all belong to the same people. Doesn't really matter either way. Take us home, love,” Sebastian says.
I start the vehicle and make my way back to the road I need to be on. The car remains quiet for ten minutes before it starts to bother me. Usually I don't feel the need to fill a silence, but today is different for some reason.
“So Jonas, tell me about yourself. If we are going to have to spend a bunch of time together, it would be nice to know about you,” I say.
“Not much to tell and I am not really sure I want to tell you anything personal,” he replies. “Rumor is people don't get close to you and manage to stay alive.”
“Rumor should be people don't get close to me at all. I have only ever had two friends. One I was raised with in the Collective and the other is sitting in the front seat with me and has been a rock in my life for the last three years. Seems like they are both alive and kicking. Granted there have been numerous times when I have wanted to kill both of them, but I have refrained.”
“I still don't think you need to know about my personal life. All you need to know is I am usually one of Alex's personal bodyguards and then you show up and suddenly I am demoted to babysitter,” he grumbles.
“Hey it wasn't my idea. In fact, I advocated against it. I have never been popular with wolves, so the thought of having some of them look after me doesn't leave me feeling all warm and gooey inside. Think of it as still being his bodyguard. Since me and him are connected now if anything happens to me, he will suffer. That's the way he is looking at it. In reality, if he could sever the connection without pain or death for himself, he would,” I inform him.
“Oh, I doubt that,” Sebastian offers. “If you guys ever have children, they would be the heirs to the wolf kingdom from the sound of things. I doubt any self-respecting wolf would turn that away.”
“Wait, you think you are a Gentry?” Jonas asks. “They don't have female offspring, so that is impossible. Did you somehow get Alex to believe otherwise?”
“Why couldn't the birthmark be on my forehead? My father is Aaron Gentry, so yes I am a descendant of whatever the Gentry line is. As far as I know, they are just a bunch of wolves,” I state.
“We will get the history of wolves all worked out later. For now, though, Jonas you have gone from guarding a general, so to speak, to guarding the princess herself. To me that sounds like a climb up the ladder,” Sebastian says.
“I still don't believe it. Until I see the mark or hear from Alex that it exists, there is no way you could be the princess. A princess isn't even supposed to exist,” Jonas comments.
“Sebastian, don't put ideas in his head. I am not a princess. My dad didn't say anything about being royalty when I met him and I would have thought that would be something worth mentioning,” I scold.
“Hey, Alex is the one that said your family was the top of the werewolf hierarchy. Plus, on the vampire side since I am the oldest around, you might as well be considered a queen,” he lifts my right hand off the steering wheel and gives it an old-fashioned kiss.
“Do vampires have a hibernation mode? I think I would like to sleep the next ten years or so away,” I groan returning my hand to the wheel.
“Anyone want to explain that comment?” Jonas asks from the back. “We weren't given a lot of information for this assignment. I can smell Alex on you, so I know he has scented you indicating you as his mate. You sharing pain was another indicator of your relationship, but I don't understand why you are affectionate towards the vampire. As a wolf, you should find it distasteful. You guys should not be as close as you seem to be.”
“I guess since Alex did his little scenting trick that must have covered your other smells for the wolves,” Sebastian inserts. “Not that they would have picked anything up.”
“So he doesn't get surprised when he meets Lil and Bebe we should probably fill him in a little. If I told you that until a couple days ago, I thought I was human, what would you say, Jonas?” I ask.
“Besides laugh in your face, I don't know. I currently smell Alex so strongly on you I don't know what your own scent is like, but in order for him to do that you would have to be wolf,” he replies.
“It seems that the fact that I was carrying the wolf gene was kept from me and since it was recessive, I never showed any wolfy traits,” I inform him. “Also kept from me, was the fact that I carried the vampire recessive gene. I don't believe any wolf without access to my medical records knew that tidbit. Sebastian found out three years ago and bonded with me, and neglected to tell me about the gene or bond. Without going into any more detail of how insane my life has become, I will say I am a freak and if I have to learn to live with it, as long as you are guarding me, you are going to have to live with it.”
“Are you a unicorn as well? Everything I have heard you say so far has been impossible. First, you are a princess and now you are a werewolf vampire hybrid. Did they destroy all of your brain cells while you lived within the Collective?”
“That could be or maybe I am actually dreaming. I could really see this as all being a dream. All my life I have hoped to be something more than just a human and now I am part human, wolf, and vampire. My imagination is great,” I suggest.
“I think I should call Alex and resign this post. I didn't sign on for crazy,” Jonas responds.
“Love, concentrate on Lil and Bebe for a second. See if you can get them to appear,” Sebastian suggests.
I follow instructions and feel a little tingle indicated it actually worked. “Awesome, that's all I have to do? I don't have to be hungry or angry?”
“You should be gaining more power, so you will be able to achieve more control on the little things like that. Now, I will take the wheel for a second, so you can introduce Jonas to the girls,” he says moving over so he can reach the wheel.
Jonas is sitting directly behind me, so once Sebby has control of the wheel I unbuckle my seat belt and turn around in my chair. “See vampire,” I say opening my mouth for him to see.
“Holy shit!” he yells. I smile and turn back around.
“Thank you, dear, but I can take the wheel back now,” I tell Sebastian.
“Of course, love. I think you might have made him pee his pants,” he replies.
“She did not,” Jonas immediately says. “I don't understand how this is possible. It shouldn't be. A vampire and a werewolf cannot produce offspring.”
“Just like a Gentry male cannot produce female offspring. Until I am able to have a more in depth talk with my father, I don't know the situation of my birth. Sebastian thinks my mother was a human and either turned or was killed by a vampire before I was born. I imagine she was human, but I don't know where the vampire part came from,” I explain.
“The whole situation seems bizarre. Wolves shouldn't be able to produce offspring with humans. If that is what happened, a witch would have had to be involved at some point. There had to have been a spell to make the female attractive to the male and another one for her to even be able to be impregnated by him,” he states.
“Interesting. More things I was not aware of. When Dad comes out of hiding he will have a lot of explaining to do,” I reply. “So this conversation that started out with me trying to find out more about you has led to me revealing most of my life secrets. Are you still not going to tell me about yourself?”
“Nope. All you need to know about me is I am a very strong werewolf and I have been named one of your permanent guards,” he says.
“Have it your way. It wasn't like I was looking
to become best friends. I just thought if you were going to do more than sit there silent while on duty, it might be a good idea to see if we had anything in common,” I say.
“I am good with silence,” he replies simply.
“I am a solitary person, so I will just pretend you aren't in the room. It will be like any other day,” I tell him. “So Sebastian, would you like to stop for a Big Mac?” I ask laughing at my own joke.
“I am sorry I ever referred to you as the assassin with a heart. It is clear that along with your messed up biological makeup, your creator also forgot to put that necessary organ in your chest.”
“When we get home, I am cooking you a steak to make it up to you. So, what sleeping arrangements do you have planned? I don't know the floor plans of the building and I don't want to kick you out of your penthouse,” I say. “Oh and please tell me Jonas has to sleep on the couch.”