Night Rises Read online

Page 5

  The room is absolutely silent. Protecting the little girl in my arms is a great honor, but the warrior in them all is fighting back. I would be comfortable having just three of the guards in the room stay behind and let them work with a couple of handfuls of the standard guards. I just don’t want to be the one that tells those three they are going to miss the fight.

  Being the queen of subject changes, I go ahead and change this one. “Seal of Solomon. Anybody in the room know anything about it?”

  “No. Please tell me they didn’t tell you to find it,” Ben says. The rigid stance he has taken makes me believe he has heard the rumor about it being able to control demons.

  “They don’t mess around with these trials,” Sebby says with a slow whistle. “The Seal is a thing of legends. I was under the assumption it wasn’t real, but they would know better than anyone. The books say it is a signet ring with a six-pointed star encompassing the surface. Did either angel give you a place to start the search?”

  “I asked for GPS coordinates and they were not sharing them. Gabe, or Michael, I guess I don’t remember which one it was, said that someone with their genetic make-up cannot locate the ring. They said I would find it on our trip. How they know that and not where the dang thing is makes no sense to me.”

  “Is there anything else we need to know for this trial?” Alex asks.

  “I cannot kill anyone to get the ring. I guess we better have some money ready to buy it off whoever claims to be its keeper.” I still don’t know how I am going to locate the thing. Sebby doesn’t even think it is real.

  “They said no killing? Were they specific about the ring being in your possession? What if the person wearing it doesn’t want to take it off, but is willing to come back with you?” Ben asks. He has started pacing. I think the demon knows a lot more about the ring than maybe even the angels.

  I try to remember what exactly was said, but I only remember one thing for certain. “I have been seen wearing the ring in the future, so I am guessing I get it off the person.” If people didn’t take me away from my sleeping time to have these important conversations, I would probably remember them clearer.

  “That’s impossible. I have to go check on some things. I will be there when you need me,” Ben replies and quickly gives us a smoke show as he leaves.

  “I don’t think I have seen a demon move that fast before,” Hilda says. Ben was spooked. There is no other word for it. “No one knows for sure what the ring can do. I do know it exists and I could probably round up a picture so you have something to reference as you walk around Scotland looking at everyone’s hand.”

  That makes the task sound like a breeze. Maybe Stevens is hanging out in a tiny Scottish village hosting ten inhabitants. That would make things easy. The whole Highland festival thing that was mentioned causes that dream to shatter before it can even bring me hope. Oh well, I am hungry, time for some dinner.

  Chapter 7

  A real family dinner

  Back in the main house, the crowd has slimmed down. I recognize a couple of the guys from the meeting earlier, but the other ten people don’t look familiar. I nod in their direction as I follow my nose to the kitchen. Clyde did a good job of raiding the mini kitchen earlier today and I was afraid he got slobber on everything, so I am forced out into the jungle. I still have to find out who I need to talk to about giving him access to a fridge. I was pretty adamant about that not happening in my lifetime and yet somehow it has.

  Alex has taken over carrying duties. I don’t think Sophia is going to last much longer, her eyelids are starting to droop. I am not sure when she woke up this morning, but she has lasted longer than I was expecting her to. A schedule is going to be something I have to get used to.

  With the flow of everything else I have seen in the house, the location of the kitchen in the back of the house makes sense. I am still surprised when I find rooms that outdo even the awesome rooms I am used to from the penthouse. This kitchen is no different. The appliances don’t look that distinct, there are more of them, though. Two large, stainless steel refrigerators line the wall facing the entrance. To the left, my left, there is a door to the outside and to the right is a six-foot long granite countertop. There is a large sink in the middle of the counter.

  The cupboards above and below the counter are a rich mahogany wood that goes well with the dark reddish granite. There is a six burner stove that serves as an island in the center of the room. An oven is nowhere to be seen, but we don’t have to worry about baking for the PTA around here.

  I make my way over to the fridges and open the one on the left. Many packages of butcher paper greet my gaze. I hope they haven’t showed this to Clyde. I don’t think his missing opposable thumbs would do a lot of good in stopping his desire to get into this mother lode.

  “Anyone else need nutrients?” I grab a package labeled steak. Looking through the assortment real quick it seems this fridge is the beef section of the supermarket. The other fridge must be the pork. I know they wouldn’t forget to stock some bacon for me. Tomorrow night I will have to verify that when I wake up.

  “I think it is dinner time for all of us, love, but go ahead and get yourself some food cooked up. You haven’t had enough to eat and even though our princess is out now, you are still eating for two.”

  Permission to have at it sounds good to me. I make quick work of finding a pan, searing my steak, and finding a plate. I ponder for a split second skipping a fork and knife, in favor of my hands, but the thought is short lived. Plate in hands, I head back to the dining room I think I remember witnessing in my hurry to get to food. Table and chairs equals dining room in my mind. I could have passed the war room we were in earlier and I would say it is a dining room too.

  Alex follows behind me and Jake drags in a baby swing, which gets set in one of the corners. Very useful invention that swing. I am sure someone wouldn't mind holding Sophia while everyone else ate, most of the vampires aren't even going to be eating solid food, but I still like the option of everyone having their hands free.

  The furniture in here is the same that was used only once in the apartment. It isn't hidden behind a wall here, so it will probably get more use.

  “Do you need anything else?” Alex asks as he starts to head back to the kitchen for his own dinner.

  “I am good and if I wasn't, I don't waddle anymore, so I can get up to retrieve things on my own again.”

  Him and Jake don't need to hear anymore and take off. “I guess that just leaves us girls, Sophia.”

  “I am worried about Uncle Ben, Mommy. There wasn't something right when he took off earlier.”

  “First, please do not get used to calling him 'Uncle Ben'. The guards are one thing, but a demon is a completely different story. Second, there are so many things not right with Ben I am surprised you even noticed.” She shouldn't notice that kind of stuff after only knowing him for a few hours. Maybe not really knowing him is what made his behavior seem odd to her.

  “The ring spooked him,” Dad says joining us with a plate. He sits down in front of me and I realize I haven't dug in. It is past time to change that. I cut off a big bite and put it in my mouth to savor it. “The question in my mind is whether he is scared about what the ring can do, or if he is worried about your safety in retrieving it.”

  “He freaked at me just mentioning it. I don't think there was any concern there for me,” The first bite is chewed and the second, third, and last follows in rapid succession. I didn't bother with a lot of cuts. Cutting it in half both ways was plenty. The red meat really hits the spot in my empty stomach. I think I should have made more than one.

  “I think it was something more than that. I saw worry in his eyes, but it wasn't for himself or anyone in the room. It would have been nice if he would open up more about his feelings.”

  Ben's weirdness doesn't faze me anymore. What is fazing me at the moment is my daughter talking in full sentences. I know I have witnessed her doing it for a day now, but it is just rea
lly hitting me that it isn't a dream.

  There won't be any competing for whether she says mommy or daddy first, which is good because the number of her dads outweighs the number of moms. Hearing her talk opens up a few questions in my mind.

  “Hilda, can you hear me?”

  “I am a room away and not deaf, so yes.”

  “Could I communicate when I was born?” I don't think I could have had the level of mental capacity that Sophia has. I would have remembered hatching and spending the first days with the witch. Sophia was able to communicate before she was out of the womb. Was I able to talk to my mom while I was in the egg?

  “To a certain degree, yes. I had to block that ability before I handed you over to the Collective. There would have been a lot of questions asked if I brought in a baby that special. Before you ask, yes I altered your memory to make sure you didn't remember specific events.”

  No wonder I hold a grudge against the woman. She has been messing with my mind since birth and my subconscious is well aware of the fact. I wonder how long it took the Collective to figure out how special I was, even without the talking. It is something I am sure I will never figure out.

  “Plans for the rest of the night?” I ask knowing perfectly well what I would like to be doing. Fighting. Lots and lots of fighting.

  “Let us get some food down and we will show you to the gym. Sophia will get a kick out of watching you take someone on,” Alex says taking a seat next to me. He has two steaks on his plate and as soon as he sits down, he cuts one in half and plops a chunk on my plate.

  He is such a sweet talker. He could have just said “I love you” and my brain would have had the same reaction. It has started doing a spastic dance. It is really good that only I am able to witness the feat.

  Sebby walks in and clears his throat. Okay, so maybe a few other people got to see it, but they are family. I don’t have to worry about them making fun of me.

  “Oh man, I wish others could hear me. I would so be doing a play-by-play of that thing you called a dance,” Clyde says.

  Him not communicating with others is one of the many things I am grateful for in this life. I hope Hilda doesn't ever decide hearing what Clyde says might be useful. I would be screwed times infinity.

  “A good fight should wear me out. I am guessing we wouldn't be ready to move out until tomorrow, right?” We have only a handful of hours before the sun comes up and immobilizing hundreds of people when half of them cannot venture out into the sun isn't very likely. The logistics still need to be worked out because I don’t even know how many people are making the trip.

  “Correct. I want to make sure we have a clear plan in place before we even get on a plane. Things will happen fast once we touch down. Stevens will have been made aware of our movements and he could very well just jump on his jet and run for it. He really needs to man up and face the fight head-on. Everyone knows that with even one of the members of the monarchy still around and kicking, the battle has to happen,” Alex says and then grabs my empty plate to take both of ours into the kitchen.

  The rest of the group has filed in while we were talking and the table is overflowing. Walt tried to have a family dinner when we were still in the apartment, but this is more what I envision when I think of us sitting down as a family.

  No buffet of food already on the table. We are more the kind of group that everyone grabs something for themselves and then takes a seat. Phee is talking nonstop, driving us all batty without even knowing it. Sam is sitting next to her with a look that clearly states “Sorry, but what can I do?” Marcus and Jonas are in deep discussion about military tactics with Hilda adding her input here and there. Smitty, Dante, and Will are talking women and Jake is laughing at something Walt said. Knowing Walt, it was a story that was only half true, but one hundred percent hilarious.

  I look to my father and meet his eyes. His eyes, which have seen so much over the years, tell me he understands what I am thinking. “I know the feeling and I will always be sorry it isn't one you have known all your life.”

  The feeling is an overwhelming sense of belonging. In this moment, right here, I know I would do anything in my power to protect every person sitting around the table, even Hilda. It is a great feeling, but at the same time, it is a heavy weight that has settled on my shoulders.

  “You have others to help carry the weight, love. It is us versus the world. Always remember that.”

  Haven't we done enough mushy stuff with the pregnancy and lovey dovey feelings the birth unleashed? I am tired of getting misty eyed. I want to punch something.

  “Perfect,” Alex says coming back into the room. “While the others flip for who is stuck doing the dishes, I will lead you to the arena. I have an idea of who your opponent is going to be, but we will see if it comes true.”

  “I am ready for anyone, so lead the way, Babe,” I say turning his usual term of endearment back on him. It just causes him to smile and walk out the doorway in the room that I haven't been through. Sebastian picks up Sophia and we are on our way.

  Why does every room in this house have to have at least three entrances? That has to be impossible to guard against. I am almost to the point where I agree with Ben about the house having too many hallways. Pigs just flew somewhere in the world, in case anyone was wondering.

  Chapter 8

  Getting beat down by the old man

  The gym isn't far from the dining room, which would be a great thing if any of us had to worry about packing on extra calories. Seeing the different rooms makes me wonder just how big this place really is. It looks gigantic from the outside, but the inside is making it feel even bigger. The size of the gym alone looks like it could easily take up the entire first floor.

  It appears like they took the area from the apartment and teleported it to the new location. The old adage if it ain't broke, don't fix it comes to mind. There might be a new machine here or there, but for the most part nothing has changed.

  I crack my neck on both sides to make the environment truly feel like home. Yeah, that makes it perfect. “So, who gets to fight me today? After being out of things for a couple of weeks, I am ready to put a hurt on someone.”

  “Don't sound so sure of yourself, Daughter. When you get all your pretty little angel powers, you may be able to kick all of our butts, but until then, a few of us still can enjoy making you work for your victories.”

  “Are you volunteering to try?” Fighting against Dad could be a little strange. The first time we met I was planning on killing him and we haven't had a lot of other face-to-face moments since then.

  “It has been a while since I have had a workout and I promised you a butt spanking for showing up in Faerie to get me. I was going to take you over my knee, but this should be a little less embarrassing for you.”

  “You haven’t been around our kind for months. You think you can shake off the rust quick enough to keep up, old man?” I love trash talking. Not everyone can master the art, but I have been doing it long enough to have it down to perfection. Leaving the cursing out of it may be a challenge, but inventive cursing has proven to be just as fun.

  Dad loosens his tie. He actually had a chance to dress for the big meeting, unlike some of us. My pajamas are comfortable and flexible enough to move around in. I don’t know what he is going to do in his tight slacks.

  His button down shirt follows the tie into Jonas’ waiting arms. “We have spare shorts in the locker room if you would like to change, Aaron,” Alex suggests. It is clear he isn't on my side in this battle. An opponent that doesn't have full range of motion would work out in my favor.

  “The pants may look restrictive, but they are stretchy enough that I won’t have any issues,” He says as he bends down to take off his shoes and socks.

  “Do you have any rules for this fight?” I ask and start jumping around to loosen up.

  “Let’s stick with hand-to-hand. No calling in your sword to do your dirty work. Other than that, I think we can both handle what we c
an dish out.” He flexes his muscles and I can see a few months in Faerie had no effect on the guns.

  “Just a warning, Princess, your dad has taken down every wolf in this room, easily.” I was just starting to sense that on my own. He is the King of the werewolves; it makes sense that he can defend himself. There are a few wolves I have a good time fighting with and I think Dad is going to make it to that list.

  “Let’s see if the old man still has it in him,” I say and I am immediately knocked on my butt.

  “Did you forget to never lose focus on your opponent?” Aaron asks standing over me.

  I see how he wants to play things. I can play just as dirty as the rest of them. I spring up from the ground and say, “Game on. You know I find it funny that Gabe had issues fighting me, or at least appearing menacing, but my own father has no problem trying to kick the crap out of me.” I have to dodge a body shot while trying to land a punch of my own.

  We are just starting and I don’t have a great feel for his technique yet. Fighting someone for the first time is always the most exciting part of a match. After you have fought two or three times, it is hard to find any big surprises in your opponent’s methods. It becomes a game of blocking hits and that gets tedious. I am sure I haven't thought that a million times prior to just now.

  “I reckon your little angel friend has had the opportunity to watch you fight before.” I land a quick half-hearted kick to his shin. His shins are apparently made of iron and I can feel a vibration echo up my leg. He doesn’t seem fazed at all and he lands a jab to my chin while I am imagining him as a robot. “We are going into a war and I have to verify that my little girl isn’t going in halfcocked.”

  Sound reasoning, I think and flip over the top of him to try things from a different vantage point. I am able to get in a nice hit to the back of his head, but he quickly spins and sweeps my legs out from under me. Someone must have put a little extra fiber or something in his steak.