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Night Calls - Nyx Slaughter Book 1 Page 14
Night Calls - Nyx Slaughter Book 1 Read online
Page 14
I pull out the key Sebastian gave me and enter the building. Since it is still light out, I don’t need to flip on the lights, but I do anyway. The Cujo twins take seats in the waiting area and I leave them to look over the space again. Nothing looks to have changed overnight, so I make my way back to the office. On the corner of the desk is a vase filled with roses. I pick up the card to read it, expecting it to be a cute note from Sebastian, but am surprised to see it is from Alex.
The guys reported in things were moving fast for your new venture. I hope you have a great first day and don’t forget to knock them dead ~ Alex
I cannot say that I am particularly fond of flowers, but the thought is nice. I put the card back in its holder and sit down in my plush leather chair. I have had my new phone on me, so I know no calls have come through. I decide to start up the computer to see what all is installed on it.
Once it boots, an email client auto starts. Not one to miss anything, Sebastian seems to have set me up my own work account. I see an email from him dated a few months ago and am forced to ignore it because the most recent email has urgent please read in capital letters. I imagine it is spam, but it is always best to be safe and it doesn’t indicate there are any attachments, so I open it.
Ms. Slaughter,
I have heard about your new business venture and am in desperate need of your help. I don’t know what your hours are or when you will officially be open for business, so I will show up today at 5:30 p.m. in hopes you are available. If you get this before then and are available, please call me at 499-304-2234.
I may get a client quicker than I expected. I look at the clock and see it is five now, so I will just let the person come in when they are ready. I open the desk drawers while I wait to see if there is anything interesting. The top one is loaded with a handgun. I pick it up and take a look at the ammo. My vampire beau has armed me with UV bullets. I cannot help but laugh.
The middle drawer contains electronic devices like trackers and bugs. I hadn’t immediately thought about needing those. I am so used to just tracking people down and killing them, I didn’t think that I might need to follow someone around.
The third drawer is locked. I look around, but do not find a key. Sebastian is going to have some explaining to do about locking drawers in my office. The search for the key unveils a crossbow under my desk with an arrow already loaded. I would have to say the arrowhead itself is silver and points directly at the seat in front of me.
I start to take a closer look at the office for other interesting finds, but I immediately notice a red light flashing above my office door. I stand up to get a closer look and notice that Jake and Jonas are in the waiting area with a visitor. They seem to be giving the woman a tough time and she is already crying, so I decide to intervene.
“What’s going on out here?” I ask making my presence known.
“This lady says she is here to see you and has an appointment. We are just checking her out to make sure she is legit,” Jake informs me.
“M?” I ask the woman. Her strawberry blond hair looks like it has seen better days and if she hasn’t been on a beer diet, it is clear she is very pregnant. She is carrying a large bag that I am sure my guards aren’t too happy to see.
“Yes, that is me,” she responds shakily.
“Boys let her through. She was expected and is obviously upset,” I walk towards her and lead her back to my office. After I get her situated, I ask, “Can I get you anything? I don’t believe I have anything here, but I would love to send one of the boys out to get you something.”
“I am fine and I am afraid I don’t have a lot of time. They took my mate last night. They just came right into our house and ripped him away from me. I know they haven’t killed him yet because I am still alive, but you must help. There are three lives at stake and I know it is just a matter of time before they do worse than just beat him a little,” she says.
“Okay first things first, who took him?” I ask.
“The Collective. I don’t know what your ties are with them, but as a woman I was hoping you would have mercy on my child and help us,” she explains.
Babies don’t exactly make me feel all warm and fuzzy, so it doesn’t really appeal to my maternal instincts. I do, however, have no problem going against the Collective, so I give her a warm smile.
“I am under the assumption that my ties are totally severed with the Collective. I do know the layout of the main building pretty well, though, so I think I could get in. It won’t be an easy job though and will cost a pretty penny in hazard pay,” I tell her. “I don’t think I could do it for less than a 100K.”
“I understand. I am willing and able to pay that amount. I was expecting it to be more, but, of course, I value my mate's life differently,” she replies.
“Since I am just starting out, I don’t have contracts or anything for you to sign. I will go in tonight and get him; I will expect payment by end of day tomorrow. If I don’t receive that payment, you will not like the outcome,” I explain.
“Thank you. Here is a picture of Greg,” she says digging around in her bag. I don’t see anything really special about the guy. Brown hair, muted green eyes, and olive skin. I should be able to pick him out.
“Got it,” I say sliding the picture back to her. “Why don’t you go home and wait for your husband’s return. I have some preparation work to do and then I will be heading out.”
“Thank you again. I was afraid to come here, but didn’t know where else to turn. My neighbor told me about your new venture and I was hoping it wasn’t something Collective organized,” she says standing up to leave. “We have only been with the group against the Collective for a short time. I don't know how they found out.”
“No worries there, you are looking at the newest member of the resistance,” I say after her as she hurries from the room.
“So boys, can I talk you into waiting here while I run a quick errand?” I ask sweetly as I make my way out to the waiting area.
“This is a stupid idea,” Jonas says. “It is way too dangerous for you to try to break in there. If you are caught, the resistance will suffer greatly.”
“That is why I don’t plan on getting caught. I need to get supplies from the Suburban. Are one of you going to escort me?” I query not pausing for them to answer as I exit the building.
Chapter 19
Getting down to business
After grabbing my gear, I return to the office and close the door before either guard can enter.
“I am changing clothes, so give me a second,” I say as I take off my shotgun and start stripping out of my top. The pants are fine for my disguise, but the top would be a very big clue that I am not who I claim to be. I hurry into a plain black top. “You can come in now.”
I sit down and take out my case of contacts. I select the hazel color ones and plop them in.
“There are not many females in the Collective. In fact, if you didn’t know, there are only three and that number included me. Any of the males that have mates, keep them away from the Collective proper. Out of the two other females, one of them has my general build. I am a bit thinner than she, but with a wig, people might confuse the two of us from the back.
“I know of an entry point just big enough for someone of my size to squeeze through. It isn’t guarded or alarmed because it is literally a twelve-inch wide by five-inch tall exhaust vent. No one besides me or a small child would be able to get through. This is one of the few times I am thrilled to not have big lady mounds on my chest.
“Once in, I will make my way through the ventilation system towards the holding cells. I have been there many times and am pretty good with directions, so I don’t see finding them to be an issue,” I say as I finish rolling my long hair up and securing it. I put on my light brown shoulder length wig and give my head a shake to get used to the weight.
“You make that sound easy enough, but how are you expecting to get out? You aren’t recovering a s
mall child that can follow you back the way you came,” Jake says showing a bit of grumpiness that is new for him.
“There are a few less guarded exits. I have a badge that says I am Julie Richards, who happens to be a real person and as long as they don’t know her and don’t look too closely I am good to go.” I explain.
“I don’t like this at all. There are too many ifs involved,” Jonas states shaking his head.
“These people joined your group under the assumption there would be some level of protection. So far, you have failed and now they are asking me to correct the issue. Think of me as your new fixer. It is night now, so Smitty and Marcus should be able to join us. All I need is for you guys to keep a lookout. I will do the really dangerous part,” I say.
“I believe that is the issue I am having, you doing the dangerous part. Call Sebastian. He should be up by now, see what he says since Alex isn’t here,” Jake suggests.
“Neither of those men run my life, I shouldn’t have to ask them if I can take a case,” I reply.
“No, Princess, they don’t run your life, but their lives sure depend on you not doing something stupid, so at least make the courtesy call to let your fanged boyfriend know you are doing something idiotic,” Jonas growls.
“I guess I would like to see how his day has gone so far,” I say pulling out my new cell and dialing his number.
“Love, you weren’t here when I woke up,” Sebastian responds immediately.
“Sorry Sebby, I wanted to get a jump on things. How has your day been?” I ask.
“I have risen and bathed. Marcus and Smitty are up and moving as well. They are both getting ready to leave to get some breakfast before visiting you,” he states. “I was planning to drop by my office for a little while, just to make sure things aren’t piling up.”
“That’s a great idea. I was hoping you were going in today. I actually just got my first case and was getting ready to leave,” I claim.
“Really. Is it an assassination?” he asks.
“Nope. It is more search and rescue. A werewolf was kidnapped and his wife requested I go retrieve him from his jailors,” I say.
“So open and shut. That is a nice first case for you. It is something a little different than what you are used to,” he replies.
“I think it is a great case. Jonas and Jake have been whining about it, though. They keep claiming it is too dangerous. I don’t think they really know me that well,” I say.
“Nyx,” he says using my name usually isn’t a good sign. “Those two are very well trained warriors. What about this case has them worried?”
“Just the location of the captive, but I have a really good plan for getting him out. There is no reason to worry. I am the one in harm’s way and I am not worried at all,” I say.
“Marie came to see you,” he states.
“I don’t know her name, but it might have started with an M. The target is named Greg,” I tell him.
“I was alerted of the issue last night. My men were going to meet tonight to form a plan of action to get him out of the Collective’s grasp. She should have known that,” he says.
“The woman looked like she was going to pop a baby out any second. I am sure she wasn’t thinking exactly straight, but I have an entry and an exit strategy already mapped out and was getting ready to carry it out,” I say.
“Explain this strategy to me. Getting in and out of the Collective unnoticed is next to impossible. We have some people on the inside, but they can only do so much without blowing their cover,” he says. I fill him in on my brilliant plan and then wait in silence for him to digest it. “It could work. How close do you really look like this other woman?”
“With the wig and contacts from a long distance I can pass. I will be in and out within thirty minutes. Me going in armed to the teeth won’t even look suspicious. The other girl is a fighter, so she normally is well armed,” I explain.
“I still don’t like it, but at least wait for Marcus and Smitty to join you guys,” he insists. “As much as I would like to go and protect you myself, me being seen on Collective property would not be a good idea. The rest of the group isn’t as well known, so less flags will be raised if they are spotted.”
“I was already planning on bringing them along. How long before they get here?”
“Not long. They only needed a small meal. Knowing them, they probably shared it. I will warn you now, if I feel any injuries to you or extremely strong emotions, I don’t care who is standing in my way, I will be there within moments to get you out. Me allowing this is a really dumb move on my part, but your plan seems more doable than anything my guys would have probably come up with,” he says.
“Thank you for your support Sebastian. I will finish this up and then come visit you,” I say.
“I love you, keep safe,” he replies.
“Love you, too,” I say and then hang up. I look over to Jake and Jonas and say, “See no problem.”
“You are going to get everyone killed,” Jonas says coolly.
“Doubtful,” I say shrugging my shoulders. “The rest of our crew should be here in a second. Let’s head out to the car,” I say grabbing my bags, leaving the shotgun. The knives and handguns are normal, but not many people carry the sawed off, so it might give me away.
I lock the door and then skip to the vehicle, so I can store my gear. As I finish rearranging a few weapons that may come in handy if we are being chased, I feel the air whoosh around me marking the arrival of the rest of the crew.
“We hear you are leading us to our deaths tonight,” Smitty says and when I turn around, I can see him smiling.
“Nah. I am just trying to make your lives more interesting. You have been around for centuries, you have to get pretty bored every now and then,” I say returning his smile.
“This is true. Daily life can be a little boring. We are told to stand guard as you do something crazy, like break into the Collective and release a prisoner,” Marcus states. His mood doesn’t seem quite as light hearted as Smitty’s.
“Good, you were given a full report. Now get in the vehicle, so we can get this over with. I have a lot of settling in to still do,” I say as I hurry to the driver’s seat.
Everyone follows suit and we head towards the witch’s castle. I can feel a pre-battle tension emanating from the others. Maybe I will have to lure some people to them just so they can get the fight out of their system. I turn on the radio to pass the time.
I end up parking in a wooded area about a mile from the Collective proper. Any closer and I know there are cameras that would have picked us up. Everyone else in the group could probably cover the mile in about a minute, but I really don’t think my super speed has kicked in.
“Okay, don’t ever say I don’t ask for your guys’ opinions. In this form, I don’t think I am probably that fast. Do you think I should remain this way and we all go in slow, or should I shift and we can all cover the distance quickly?” I ask.
“My vote is for fast. I don’t want to be this close to the Collective for long,” Jonas says.
“I can shift with you, so it looks like you aren’t just out wondering alone. A pair might cause less suspicion, if we are picked up,” Jake adds.
Marcus and Smitty look at each other and just nod. “Shifting it is. I will warn you that last time this was really painful, so it may take me a minute to recover.”
Really, I don’t even know if this is going to be possible without Alex here. He seemed to guide me the last time. I start thinking about him in his wolf form and his delicious doughy smell. I raise my head eyes closed and focus on nothing but him. I feel myself fall to my knees and thankfully feel just little stabs of pain as my bones start to move and grow.
“Wow you are kind of tiny,” I hear Jake say.
“But look at her fur. Have you ever seen such a color? She can’t go in there glowing. There is no way we will get past the cameras without raising alarm,” Jonas says.
I ignore him and head ov
er to a big area of dirt and start rolling around in it trying to disguise my coloring. After I feel I have rolled enough, I return to them. “Better?”
“I guess a little bit, you still look goldish, but you have knocked most of the shine off,” Marcus says. I am glad my wolf speak works on vampires other than Sebastian.
“Do you think I will pass, or should I go roll around in some mud?” I respond.
“If you aren’t reflective, since it is night, I don’t think the cameras will pick up the color. Why in the world do you look like that anyway?” Jake asks.
“You are asking the person that a week ago didn’t even know she could turn into a wolf?” I question.