Night Lurks Page 14
“Nowhere in that description did I hear you say you cut their body parts off to see if they will regrow on a whim. You didn’t say anything about using your powers to make them believe they are having a good time while you shoved your fist up their back holes.” I haven’t had that last part confirmed as something Candace has done, but it actually sounds mild for her. A broken wine bottle would probably be more up her alley.
“You are right. When I engage in that type of fun, I restrict my partners to other demons. Demons are a different breed than the good guys you are used to hanging out with. I know you don’t forgive easily when those around you are wronged, but I really wish you didn’t feel the need to try a permanent solution to your aggravation.”
My knife is weighing heavy in my hand. I really see no problem with killing Candace even if Ben has received an influx of estrogen. I look over to Sebastian wanting to verify this is his desire. It is mostly the crimes against him that Candace is being tried for.
“I won’t bother trying to keep the conversation just between us. We all know the demons would hear what we say. I am tired of looking over my shoulder. It took her years to come up with this plan and I won’t let her go off to make new plans that may affect you. I think me resisting her is going to pale in comparison to what you accomplished here today, love.”
Good. We are in agreement. “You better step out, Ben. You know I have to protect Sebastian. I don't even have a choice in the matter.”
“We had some great times, Candy. I am really sorry things ended like this.” He blows her a kiss and then starts walking as if he is leaving. Holy cow, it looks like he is actually going to attempt to use a door. The world must be coming to an end. I will have to alert the media later though because vengeance is knocking on the door and I am here to welcome it with open arms.
Chapter 21
Surprises attack from every corner
“Well, well, well, what do we have here? My favorite reaper demon hanging out with my newest mark. I find that quite amusing. Ben, have you been keeping secrets from me?” a blonde woman says appearing in the room in my general line of vision. Just what I don't need, another blonde that I am sure is going to start causing trouble. Not only that, but another person just popping in here does not make me happy.
“Of course not, your evilness. I mentioned Nyx to you before. Well, maybe I didn't say her name, but I did mention I thought I had found someone special,” Ben says bowing his head to the waif of a woman. His exit out of the room and my movements towards killing Candace are drawn to a halt by the arrival of the newcomer.
Aside from her blonde hair, she looks to be about my height and like she has spent her whole life in a shadow bubble. Her skin is so pale I can see bluish purple blood moving just below the surface. It is really nasty, in my opinion. I guess it lets her know she is alive, but I wouldn’t want to have to stare at it all day.
“What do you mean you mentioned me? I thought you said you were keeping me a secret,” I say a little ticked off that Ben would rat me out to another demon. I thought we had some kind of understanding. Even if he didn't mention my name, telling another demon about someone “special” is like waving a red flag in front of their face. This development is not helping my already sour mood.
“I did keep you a secret. I didn't go into great detail, but when Lucy asks you a direct question, if you are a demon, you have to answer,” he says giving me a pleading look with his eyes. I think he knows that I feel a bit betrayed by him.
“I guess I should have made him be more specific. He mentioned finding a girl that was the answer to all of his problems. Knowing what his particular problems are, I should have figured it out. I would have found you weeks ago if I had. I have only spent the last twenty-three years searching for you. I didn't imagine you getting marked as a reaper would be what brought us together.”
“Have you been smoking something, crazy lady? What the fuck are you talking about?” I am in the middle of trying to kill a succubus. I really don't have the time for this. I glance over to make sure said succubus is still pinned against the wall. Good. She is. Now I just have to figure out why all the women I have met lately appear to be on drugs.
“Nyx, that isn't exactly the best way to talk to the Great Ruler of Hell. She gets a little ticked off at that tone,” Ben says quietly trying to warn me.
“What do you mean 'Great Ruler of Hell'? She is a she.”
“Yes, I am. That is why most people that know me go with Lucy instead of Lucifer. I got the short straw the day they picked out my name. I tend to blame that poor choice for my eventual downfall from Upstairs. I am still trying to figure out how you have been kept hidden from me. I have had people out looking for you since you were stolen from me before your birth. I have to assume my former brethren had a hand in it. I don't believe your father could have figured things out, or had the power to do such a great job of cloaking.” She takes a good look at me and smiles as warmly as I assume the Mistress of Hell is able. She stops at my stomach and says, “You turned out well. Not quite twenty-three and you are already carrying the first of a new race. I bet those first month pregnancy hormones are really kicking in.”
I look down at my stomach and then back up at her. I can connect the dots as good as anyone else and I do not like where they are leading me. “You have got to be kidding me. That is impossible, both the fact that you are my mother and that I am carrying anything in my stomach.” I don’t care if my dad said my mum’s name was Lucy. This isn’t computing.
“Really? You haven't slept with any of the gentlemen in this room. I am guessing it is one of the vampires' spawn since no one else has picked up on it. They rarely procreate; I doubt they realize it when their seed has been implanted. Rest assured, you are a good month along and your little girl is very healthy.”
I glance over at Sebastian and I can imagine my shocked expression matches his. His eyes are glued to my stomach as if he is trying to see the baby that is supposedly growing inside. He is the only one that I have done the full tango with, but Ben assured me that birth control was in place at the time. I look back over at the demon to start pointing fingers.
“I swear, Nyx, you should have been sterile. There was no trick on my part. Your people even confirmed that you were more vampy for that stretch of days,” Ben says pleading with me to believe him. He seems to be doing a lot of that.
“That's funny, Benjalarico. The demon that wants to have a baby more than anything giving the only person on this planet able to give him that child a contraceptive. I am guessing you weren't aware of her being my offspring at the time. You might have realized she isn't barren, even as a vampire,” the psycho claiming to be my mother says.
“'At the time'?” That sounds to me like he was aware of exactly who my “mother” was before this little meeting. I don’t care if you want me to find out my heritage on my own, if you know my mother is the leader of Hell, that is something you need to share.
“I have only known for sure for two weeks. We haven't exactly been hanging out during that time frame and I was trying not to lead her right to you. I knew the information would upset you and I wanted to give it to you gradually,” Ben says again back peddling faster than a toddler on a tricycle that just past the street with the ice cream man.
“What a naughty demon. Not only were you keeping things from both of us, but you also were keeping a mother away from her long lost child. It is really a shame,” Lucy says shaking her head.
“Not really. I don't know anyone that would want to admit their mother was Lucifer. I can imagine all of the kids at school would have laughed at me when you came to pick me up.”
“And just what school was that? Without all your good genes activated, you could have passed for a human. Is that how the angels hid you from me?” she asks moving closer to me. I take a step back not wanting her to be within arm’s reach. I wonder if my pretty new knife will work on her. The world would have to be a better place without Lucifer trying to corrup
t everyone.
“No, I was raised in the Collective. Back to this whole you being the missing link to my genome, I appear to be part werewolf, which I get from my father, part vampire, and part angel, if recent news is to be believed. Where exactly does the Great Ruler of Hell fit into that cocktail?” I ask needing just a bit more clarification.
“I would be the angel part. I may be of the Fallen variety, but I still share their blood. The vampire, I injected in a little bit into your development. I carried you briefly inside of me, but then put your essence into an egg I could do a few experiments on without having to give myself any nasty shots. You being outside of me is how you were stolen. They wouldn't have been able to get a hold of you if I carried you to term.”
The experiment part of her description has me more than worried. I think I am already messed up enough.
“Jonas, I have to ask,” I say remembering he claimed to have seen her before. Sadly, his previous description sounds true.
“Princess, I really hate to confirm this for you, but yes,” he says nodding.
“Great. I am the spawn of Satan. Why don't you guys just kill me now,” I say feeling a little melodramatic. I will blame it on the pretend pregnancy hormones because I still do not believe that little fairy tale. I should know if I am pregnant, shouldn't I? At least if I haven't picked up on it, one of the other paranorms around me should have picked up something.
“Still don't think there is a little one, do you?” my “mother” asks. “Let me show you.”
Before I can step away, she grabs my arm. Dang it, she is fast. My vision changes as she places her hand over my stomach. I start to see a lot of red as if I am traveling through a tunnel leading to the red light district. At the end of the journey, things start to clear up and I see a cocoon. It is transparent and within it lays the tiniest little baby.
It doesn't look real. It almost looks like something made out of clay. I look closer and I can count the little fingers and toes. She is facing towards me, without a lick of hair, but she is a little miniature me and Sebby. I don’t think the world contains a more perfect little being. Seeing her snaps something in place in my brain, I don’t know what it is, but the world seems a little bit different. The sight could be just a trick. I instinctively believe it though. For some reason, I can now feel her in my belly. They always say seeing is believing, I guess it is true.
“I am going to be a mommy,” I say as Lucy releases me. “You are going to be a daddy.” I turn to look at Sebastian and see that he is crying, but he smiles when he sees me looking. He can be a tad bit too emotional at times. The fact that I was able to tell him he was going to be a daddy solidifies things even more in my mind. It has been a proven fact that I cannot lie to him because of our bond. Reconnecting with the new bond didn't change that reality.
“I am glad to hear awe and not horror in your voice, love. We have a lot of plans to make.”
“Yes, she is only about a month old and she is already so big. Just how long do you think it will take her to develop to full term?” I ask marveling at the idea. I guess now that the baby actually exists for me, my prior denial of ever wanting one has disappeared. I don't even try to understand how my brain works sometimes.
“Vampires don’t have children, so I have no idea,” he replies. He is probably already thinking of books he can go read to find more information out about what we can expect with little Peanut. I doubt he will find one that covers exactly what the tiny baby really is. I don't even know exactly what she is and the little bugger is growing inside of me.
“She is about half done cooking, I would say,” Lucy offers. “You guys would have figured it out within a couple of days. I think her heart should start beating by then. We could speed things along for you and have things done in a week if you want, but I think you should enjoy this first child. She will be squawking and keeping you up at all hours soon enough. Well, I am not great with all the love I feel floating around the room, so I will bid everyone adieu. You can expect to see me soon, though, daughter.” She blows me a kiss and then disappears.
“I guess I wasn’t that far off about you being a unicorn,” Jonas says before anyone else can speak. “Princess to Hell is pretty close.”
“No, you weren’t far off,” Alex replies coming to take my hand and makes me face him. “You okay? That was kind of a lot to take in.” My whole life has been a lot to take in recently. I am an angel/werewolf/vampire carrying a vampire’s child and who knows what species the baby will end up being.
“I should be asking you that. You just found out I was carrying Sebastian’s baby, when you are the one that has wanted one from the day you first saw me. That has got to be a little weird for you.”
“I am hoping Sebastian doesn’t mind us all raising the baby together. I was thinking her having two dads and tons of uncles wouldn’t be too strange in this day and age. It should keep all the riffraff boys away, at least.”
“I like that idea,” Sebastian says joining us and squishing us together for a group hug. Pain from a stomach wound is nothing compared to the feelings he must have at finding out he is going to be a father.
“I really do love you guys, but we do have a little unfinished business to take care of,” I say trying to break free, but they hold on for another second. I lightly step on both of their toes and they finally let loose. Okay, maybe I stomped, but with the new delicate position I am in, stomping is very unladylike.
“You are going to have to get used to our touches soon. I don’t know how your belly isn’t showing, but we are going to want to touch a whole bunch,” Alex says as he steps away.
That is one of the many aspects of pregnancy that was in the negative column on my pro/con list. It will be something to bring up for discussion later.
“With the developments that happened in this room, I don’t want to kill anyone in front of my child. I know I have technically already done it more than once, but I didn’t know Peanut existed. That being said, I am hesitant to just let you go, Candace.” Hesitant isn’t the right word. I am pretty sure I have lost my mind. Why would I even think of letting her go?
“You’re the fucking heir to the big golden throne in Hell. You think I can kill you now? Your mother would skewer me,” she replies with a face full of hate.
I walk over to her and smack her across the face. “Watch your mouth. I don’t know if Peanut can hear, but if she can, I don’t want her hearing your filth. Ben, do you mind taking her away to some deep, dark corner so she can think about what she has done? If you can keep her there for a while, I would appreciate it. I doubt I will be pregnant forever and I may want to continue this conversation just as soon as I deliver.”
“Sure thing, Buttercup. I will make sure she doesn’t bother you again,” he answers and moves to take her away.
“I am still not happy with you. Telling Lucifer that I existed was not cool. Don’t get me started on the fact that you knew my mother was your Great Ruler,” I scold.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t have a choice, but I promise I will make it up to you. Just wait and see,” he says and zaps him and Candace out of the room.
Thankfully, his betrayal wasn’t as bad as it could have been. I guess Hilda was right about something. If my mother had put two and two together on her own, we might have met under very different circumstances. I have been worried that if we ever met, she would try to snatch me like everyone that I talk to assumes. I am not sure why she didn’t, but I will have to have my guard up for her unexpected visits that I see in my future.
Right now, I just want to get home and start figuring out where we are going to put the nursery. I am really going to be a mom. I still cannot get over that fact, or the part about me being happy about it. It must be the pregnancy hormones. Yeah, that’s my story.
on Archive.